Thursday, March 31, 2011

main meat course: lemon herbed chicken

close up of the baked chicken, thank you skyler

So, I've taken a hiatus from baking chicken, which is usually a staple in my college kid cuisine repertoire. But, after making this for the fundraising dinner, I'm inspired to prepare food like this again. I have plenty of baked chick recipes, so you just wait!

Lemon Herbed Chicken
1 bunch of flat leaf parsley, avoiding stems, chop finely; should equal about 6 tablespoons
6 cloves of garlic finely minced
2 sprigs of rosemary, remove stem and mince up rosemary
2 lemons, juice them then slice them up (save slices for when you actually bake the chicken)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 medium onion, roughly chopped
ok, the chicken. you can use this on a whole chicken, or boneless, or bone in. this is what we used for the dinner: 6 legs and 6 thighs, bone-in with skin on. 

1. mix the parsley, garlic, rosemary, lemon juice, and olive oil. it should be pretty pasty and not so...wet if that makes sense.
2. rub this mixture on to the chicken. best thing for enhanced flavor is to put this stuff under the skin, making direct contact with the meat.
3. let the chicken absorb the flavors, and leave it for a few hours, overnight if possible
4. when you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 400 degrees, then prepare the pan you are using by lining it with foil.
5. place onions and lemon slices at bottom of pan and place chicken on top of this. drizzle some olive oil on top of chicken to help the skin brown. cover chicken with foil and bake for 30 minutes. then remove foil, increase heat to 450 and bake till skin is browned (maybe 15 minutes, but may vary depending on your preference and oven settings).
6. you can check doneness by cutting into a piece and making sure juices run clear. yum. let the chicken cool for a few minutes and serve with the yummy soft onions.

there it is, the main course. woot woot

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