Monday, December 6, 2010

good times to ensue

Hello all!

I have been inspired on the Monday of finals week to start a blog because I need a break from finals and the LSAT. It will mostly be related to my food adventures. It occurred to me on a Saturday night that I am true foodie through and through: I made mushroom shallot risotto, pan seared bone-in rib eye, and garlic sauteed broccoli as a "quick" study break.

So, I am inviting you all to join me in my culinary adventures as I make up recipes and test them out. I have been encouraged recently by a few friends to open a restaurant some day. Well maybe some day, but for now this blog will have to do. Warning: there may be some random pit stops on this journey to food nirvana including but not limited to fashion entries if I so dare, random reflections on applying to law school; and a lot of talk about the circus (explanation to come later if you don't already know me).
