Friday, January 7, 2011

2010- A food tribute

Hello! I have failed since the launch of Second Trimester Food Baby (STFB) at posting my culinary adventures. I did indeed cook, eat, and on occasion take pictures of my creations. Here are some snapshots of the glorious food I made and/or ate in 2010.
Note:  I cooked a lot more than what you may think from looking at these 6 pictures, I promise. I'm bad at documenting my food making adventures but I'll be a lot better about that from now on. Also, no recipes yet but if you are interested in making any of the below let me know and I'll be happy to share!

A French inspired cooking adventure with Nick. Above: potato pancakes with baked eggplant and red pepper "ragu" served with creme fraiche and dill; below: glorious pan seared ribeye with side of kale chips

Homemade spaghetti bolognese: the surprise? It's turkey bolognese. Trust me, you won't even miss the beef.

Thanksgiving smorgasboard that I created with Michelle. Clockwise (starting after the stack of plates)- Asian bbq marinated and glazed turkey (the dark meat) served with the turkey bacon I baked it with (picture of whole turkey is somewhere...I'll find it), the white meat on a separate platter, buttermilk biscuits, chilled corn salad, primavera vegetables, mushroom/carmelized onion sage stuffing, and my first attempt at "candied yams" even though they weren't too sweet and were in fact sweet potatoes. In the center is dill and garlic smashed red potato salad. It was a 7 hour cooking fest!

^Yours Truly^

Moving forward I promise to be a better blogger. I'll post up some oldies but goodies of my never fail go-to dishes, picture and recipe included, very soon I promise! I'll make sure to keep you all in my culinary loop.


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